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I Am a Contributor in Many ways With My Mother Nature. as an Eco Friendly Human,a Nature Conservationist Cum Researcher & Data Collector about Snakes & Workshops Conductor For Nature Conservation & Protection.......Through That All I Would Like To Consider My Self as a Fool For Forest-Fool For Wild Life - Fool For Snakes - Deep Lover For Mother Nature..But I Have a Mission to Save the World's Endangered Species....


Dear Nature, Mother I Can Feel Your Love,I Love You So Much..

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Friday, 18 November 2011

1.I love nature and my mother earth too, so here is a list of environment-friendly activities to save my earth:

1. Don't throw away plastic or polythene pouches any and everywhere. Throw them in appropriate container marked as plastic disposables dustbin. 
2. Don't waste too much water unnecessarily as bathing under shower for 10 minutes can waste up to 70 gallon of water, while we can bathe in 2 buckets of 20 liters. 
3. Don't destroy the grass covering around your house completely. The insects and microorganisms will suffer. Also soil erosion will occur heavily in absence of grass. 
4. Don't cut big trees around your house for letting in more sunlight. You can prune the branches. My neighbor has done that in the wintertime and is suffering the consequences in the summertime. 
5. Don't drive too fast. It will lead to more fuel consumption. Also make sure that your vehicle does not pollute the environment. 
6. Don't use inorganic fertilizers or pesticides in your garden and try to treat the plants by organic materials. This will maintain the soil fertility. 
7. Don't drain any chemical or hazardous waste in municipal drainage system. It will harm the river organisms, as mostly these drainage waters are discharged in the rivers. 
8. Make your friends and relatives aware of the environmental issues and spread the consciousness. 
9. Don't buy any illegal wildlife product (fur, bones, nails, feathers). Also stop buying meats of tortoise, shark, dolphin, etc., as when buying stops, killing stops too.
These are really some very common things we should do but still are not followed. We can do some very little things from our side to make improve the environment. There are some more things that can be done for that like:
1. Stop smoking inside rooms. 
2. Stop using deodorant sprays as much as possible. Don't extinguish stoves suddenly. It exerts huge CO2. 
3. Don't lit fire in a close room.
Other few things we should include are:
1. Stop using AC. It is a heat pump that pumps out heat from our room to the surroundings. Thus not only increases the atmospheric temperature, but also adds to water vapor (a green house gas). The energy consumption is also very high. Alternatively, we can use khas-khas or other traditional cooling processes that will vary from region to region. 
2. Save power. It can be in form of electricity, petrol, diesel, firewood, etc. whatever it may be, we are getting it on the expense of natural resources, so optimum use of power will boost not only our economy, but also our environment. 
3. Take steps for hazardous waste management or segregation of waste. The biodegradable ones can be composted, if you have a terrace or a garden. It is a brilliant fertilizer if you are fond of plants. The segregation is difficult if there are unfeeling family members, but all of us have fights in the family for so many things and I am sure a fight for a good cause is worth it. 
4. Saving water in the flush by putting a bottle of water in the cistern is another good point to add. 
5. Stop drinking coke, Pepsi and such soft drinks. For one thing, they are horrible violators of human rights, and for another, they make you pay for goods, which are bad for your health. For God's sake, there are much healthier options available nowadays in both packaged and non-packaged versions like Rose and Khas sharbat.
E-waste is a newly recognized hazard in third world countries. These are mainly causing trouble in poor countries due to transboundary shipment of used and junk electronic goods by the developed nations but I will start a new hub on this topic. The word environment not only means our surroundings but also includes us, so for betterment of environment, we have to do betterment of ours. We can start by cleaning of ourselves, and then our surroundings. I think most helpful thing would be creating a society of environment lovers.

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