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I Am a Contributor in Many ways With My Mother Nature. as an Eco Friendly Human,a Nature Conservationist Cum Researcher & Data Collector about Snakes & Workshops Conductor For Nature Conservation & Protection.......Through That All I Would Like To Consider My Self as a Fool For Forest-Fool For Wild Life - Fool For Snakes - Deep Lover For Mother Nature..But I Have a Mission to Save the World's Endangered Species....


Dear Nature, Mother I Can Feel Your Love,I Love You So Much..

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Saturday, 19 November 2011

What happened to our forest?

What happened to our forest? 
How did the lakes and rivers and streams, get so polluted ? 
We don't really know. 
Billion of people and growing !, No room for nature ! 

More homes, cars and factories ro be built
more planes, ships needed to fly and sail.
Carnage along the road, in the air, and on the sea, 
How much more pollution and smog can we endure, 
Why must this be, can’t we see we’re killing our world !

The days are getting longer, hotter,
droughts killing our crops, flowers plants, 
Polar ice caps melting……coral reefs dying 
Politicians listen with deaf ears, while counting their contributions, 

The garden God created was an inspiration and a teacher,
We were suppose to “Take care of it”, “Learn from it”,
Instead we "Filled the Earth and destroyed it”, 
Killing thousands of Animals, plants, and trees a year,
Endangering most of the species, 
Our food and life-support system, 

More and more children being born everyday,
making a need for more housing, 
people arguing who was the one to do the most harm 
Some say breeding wars had broken out,
While nurturing, and care were ignored ,

One day Questions well be asked,
Where have our forests gone ? 
Where are the rivers, streams, lakes? 
They won’t have a clue! 
Billions of people and growing !, No room for nature !!
More technology, economic expansion, and war to save us 
Living on a planet which is about to perish! 
Ignorance, arrogance, and indifference, 
Why must this be?, can’t we see we’re killing our world 

How can we stop this? , turn it around,
Well we be able to save our lakes, river, streams. and oceans? 
We have to search for the answers, and stop our politicians,
From depleting our natural resources, both here on Earth as well in Outer-space! 
Billions of people and growing!, No room for nature

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